Maximizing Passive Income with Reseller Pages and Web3 Royalties

Maximizing Passive Income with Reseller Pages and Web3 Royalties


Web3 Domains: A New Frontier in Digital Marketing

Web3 domains represent a significant evolution in the digital landscape. They offer decentralized control and lifetime ownership without expiration or annual renewal fees, making them an attractive choice for many businesses and individuals. As the digital market continues to evolve, promoting these domains has become crucial for maximizing sales and generating passive income. Effective promotion strategies can significantly enhance visibility and profitability, especially when leveraging models like Freename’s royalty system.

The Importance of Promotion in Web3 Domain Sales

Promotion plays a pivotal role in the success of Web3 domains. Web3 domains offer unique features, making them highly attractive in the current digital era. Effective promotion strategies, including the use of reseller pages and social media marketing, are essential for reaching potential buyers and maximizing sales.

Overview of Web3 Domains’ Advantages for Promotion

Advantages of Web3 Domains in Innovative Marketing Strategies

Web3 domains provide numerous advantages for innovative marketing strategies. Their decentralized nature and lifetime ownership without renewal fees make them a preferred choice for many businesses and individuals. Utilizing reseller pages and social media platforms can amplify their reach and impact, leading to increased visibility and sales. These domains can be creatively marketed to highlight their unique features, attracting a broader audience.

Technological Innovations and Practical Applications

Web3 domains are at the forefront of technological innovations in the digital space. They enable new forms of digital identity and asset management, which can be leveraged for various marketing strategies. From creating unique digital experiences to offering secure transactions, Web3 domains open up new avenues for marketers to explore and implement effective promotional campaigns.

  • Examples of Web3 TLDs that have achieved unprecedented record sales include .USA +9250 domains, .Japan +850 domains, .France +750 domains, .India +600 domains, .China +550 domains.
  • These statistics highlight the growing popularity and adoption of Web3 domains globally, indicating a strong market presence and potential for further growth.

The Reseller Page as a Promotional Tool

What is a Reseller Page?

A reseller page is a dedicated platform that allows individuals and businesses to promote and sell Web3 domains. It functions as a showcase for available domains, providing detailed information and facilitating the purchasing process. In the context of Web3 domains, reseller pages play a crucial role in enhancing visibility and driving sales.

The New Reseller Page

Freename has introduced a New Reseller Page, revolutionized by community feedback to enhance the visibility and sales from TLDs. This updated page is designed to meet the needs of resellers and buyers alike, providing an optimized platform for showcasing and selling Web3 domains. 

Here are the key features and benefits of the New Reseller Page:

  1. Passive Royalties:
    • Earn 50% of the registration value any external sale, generating continuous passive income.
  2. Web3 Orientation:
    • Take advantage of the strategic moment to enter the Web3 domain market, a rapidly expanding and highly technological sector.
  3. Advanced Customization:
    • Choose from 15 different AI-generated backgrounds or upload your own custom background to make your Reseller Page unique. 
  4. Innovative Domain Display:
    • Domains are displayed through lists or cards, with the future perspective of including relevant images automatically generated by AI.
  5. AI-Generated Content:
    • All texts, titles, and descriptions are created through artificial intelligence, optimized for SEO, to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of your domains.
  6. Ease of Purchase:
    • Users can easily add domains to their cart and search for specific domains associated with the TLD, improving the shopping experience and sales conversion.
  7. Comprehensive FAQ Section:
    • Provides immediate answers to the most common questions, enhancing transparency and trust for end-users.

Example of Reseller Pages

Why Activate the Freename Reseller Page?

Activating the Freename Reseller Page offers several strategic advantages:

  • Increased Visibility:
    • The new page design, powered by community feedback, ensures that your TLDs receive maximum visibility in a highly competitive market.
  • Continuous Passive Income:
    • You can earn passive income from royalties each time a domain under your TLD is registered from an external sale.
  • Leverage Web3 Growth:
    • With the rise of Web3, it’s a strategic moment to enter this burgeoning market. Owning a Freename TLD allows you to capitalize on the growing interest in Web3 technologies, making it a smart business decision.

How to Use Freename’s Reseller Page?

Using the Freename Reseller Page is straightforward and user-friendly:

  1. Log in to your Freename account.
  2. Navigate to your account Portfolio and manage your TLD section.
  3. Open the Reseller Page section.
  4. Active the Reseller Page and customize it according to your branding needs.

Reseller Pages now feature easy search options and quick add-to-cart features that allow people to purchase with just a few clicks. They are also optimized for SEO to enhance visibility and include innovative domain display options.

You can easily share the link to your Reseller Page on your social media handles, blogs, and business website to redirect your buyers to the Reseller Page for a hassle-free domain shopping experience. 

Promoting Your Reseller Page

One of the most effective ways to increase the visibility and sales of your reseller page is through word-of-mouth marketing and social media sharing. Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences and promote their purchases on social networks. Word-of-mouth can significantly boost your domain sales, as it builds trust and credibility among potential buyers. Here are some tips to leverage this strategy:

  • Encourage Sharing: Ask your customers to share their reseller page experiences on their social media profiles. Provide incentives such as discounts or special offers.
  • Use Hashtags: Create unique and catchy hashtags related to your reseller page and encourage users to include them in their posts.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages on social media to build a strong relationship with your audience.
  • Run Social Media Campaigns: Organize contests and giveaways to encourage social media users to visit and share your reseller page.

These strategies highlight the power of the New Reseller Page in maximizing visibility and sales, offering an excellent user experience, and leveraging the latest technologies in artificial intelligence. By utilizing these tools, resellers can effectively promote their Web3 domains and achieve significant growth in sales and passive income.

The Impact of Promotion on Web3 Domain Sales

Techniques of Promotion and Their Effectiveness

Different promotional techniques have varying impacts on the sales of Web3 domains. Word-of-mouth marketing, influencer partnerships, and strategic advertising can significantly influence buying decisions. Analyzing these techniques helps in understanding their effectiveness and optimizing future campaigns.

Statistical Analysis of Sales Performance

Statistical data provides insights into the impact of promotional strategies on sales performance. By examining sales trends and performance metrics, we can identify the most effective promotional techniques and make informed decisions for future campaigns.

  • According to data by Gitnux, word-of-mouth impacts 13% of consumer sales, and word-of-mouth marketing generates twice the amount of sales compared to paid advertising.
  • Based on the newest report from SmartInsight, the average time spent on social media globally is 2 hours and 23 minutes per day, with 62.3% of the world’s population using social media. This highlights the importance of leveraging social media for domain promotion.

Web3 Royalties: A Model for Passive Income

Understanding Freename’s Royalty Model

Freename offers a unique royalty model that allows TLD owners to earn passive income. By activating the royalty option, owners can earn 50% of the sale value every time a domain under their TLD is sold. This model provides a continuous income stream and is a lucrative option for many resellers.

Economic Benefits and Challenges

The royalty model offers significant economic benefits, including a steady income stream and high earning potential. However, it also comes with challenges, such as market competition and the need for effective promotion. Analyzing these factors helps in understanding the overall viability of the royalty model.

  • Freename’s royalty system allows TLD owners to earn 50% of the registration value. For example, if a domain under the TLD ‘.Metaverse’ is sold in cash for $3000, the TLD owner earns $1500 USDT.
  • The cost of activating royalties is a one-time fee ($50) with no annual costs, making it an attractive option for generating long-term passive income.


Future Prospects and Recommendations

Our research highlights the importance of effective promotion for maximizing sales and passive income from Web3 domains. 

The use of reseller pages, combined with strategic promotional techniques, can significantly enhance visibility and profitability. Freename’s royalty model offers a lucrative option for resellers, providing a steady income stream.

The Web3 domain market is poised for significant growth, offering numerous opportunities for marketers and resellers. By leveraging innovative promotional strategies and models like Freename’s royalty system, individuals and businesses can maximize their earnings and stay ahead in this evolving digital landscape.



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How does it work?

Accordingly to the day when you will finalise your purchase, you have the right to receive from 1 to 3 NFT Domains for FREE!

Once you have completed your order, within 48h you will automatically receive on platform, in your personal area “portfolio” the randomly assigned NFT Domain/s.

You can chose on which blockchain you want to mint on and minting fee is covered by Freename!


Once you have added your favorite items to the cart, you proceed to “checkout” and add your coupon to the “coupon box”.

Said coupon will instantly do its magic and your due total will drop!


How does it work?

Once you have completed your order, you will automatically receive on platform, in your personal area “portfolio” the randomly assigned NFT Domain value $50 or if you’re lucky a randomly assigned TLD with value $699 (between these: .immersive; .multiverse; .freelancer; .cashback; .hologram)

you can chose on which blockchain you want to mint your NFT Domain/TLD on and minting fee is covered by Freename!


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Why do i Need a Wallet?

Freename domains are blockchain-based assets and would be minted and stored using a wallet. Users are required to mint and manage their domains using a Metamask or Coinbase-configured wallet. It must be a non-custodial wallet, meaning that one must own the private keys to the wallet in order to approve transactions via a signature.

To benefit from Freename Web 3 domains/TLDs, you must have a wallet. This is because Web 3 domains/TLDs are blockchain-based assets. Users can mint and manage their domains using Metamask or Coinbase-configured wallets.

Keep in mind that it must be a non-custodial wallet. You own the private keys to the wallet (in order to approve transactions via a signature).

Are the Domains Associated with ICANN?

ICANN does not manage domains. believes their TLDs/domains must allow customers to operate independently. wants to build a utility infrastructure, allowing customers to use their services for valuable and generative purposes. By leveraging blockchain technology, Freename Web 3 domains/TLDs have no centralized authority imposing rules and regulations.

What is a Wallet?

Every blockchain user requires a wallet in order to interact with the network. A wallet is essentially an account on the blockchain where transactions can be sent and received. It is also where one can store blockchain assets such as cryptocurrency or NFTs (non-fungible tokens). There is no personal information associated with a wallet and none is required to create one. A wallet consists of a public key and a private key. The public key can be safely shared with anyone who wishes to send assets to the corresponding wallet, however, the private key should not be shared and is the key to accessing the wallet in the event where access is lost or to create another instance.

A crypto wallet (cryptocurrency wallet) is software or hardware that enables users to store and use cryptocurrency. With cryptocurrencies, there isn’t any actual money to carry around in a wallet. They exist on the blockchain. Similarly to traditional bank transfers, crypto wallets enable users to send and receive cryptocurrencies, NFTs, etc.

A wallet consists of a public key and a private key. To receive assets, you share your public key associated with your wallet. You should NEVER share your private key.

How do i Claim my Earnings from Freename

ou can withdraw revenues generated passively through a cryptocurrency transfer. Connect your cryptocurrency wallet and, once your withdrawal request is confirmed, the desired amount is pulled from Freename’s reserves and conveniently delivered to you!

Claim your earnings by following these steps:

  1. Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to
  2. Request a withdrawal
  3. Receive request confirmation
  4. Receive withdrawal directly to your wallet.

Can i Transfer Domains?

Yes. The domain is stored in your cryptocurrency wallet and can be transferred by you after you have minted it. Access your portfolio, select the TLD or Domain you wish to transfer and type the recipient’s address. Afterwards, you must paste the OTP code you received by mail to confirm the transaction. Keep in mind that currently, it is not possible to import the domain that has been transferred, but it will be possible soon!

Yes. Domains are transferable ONLY after a TLD/domain has been minted and stored in a user’s wallet.

To transfer the TLD (or domain), the user must:

  • Access their wallet
  • Select the item they want to transfer
  • Enter the recipient’s address.
  • Confirm the transaction by pasting the OTP received by email

In the future, will support importing domains that have been transferred.

What about Trademarks?

Registering a trademark on your Freename Web3 TLD will allow you to protect your web3 TLD and your logo worldwide juridically.

From the moment you deposit a trademark request, your web3 TLD will be protected worldwide for 6 months awaiting for the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property ( to confirm and register the availability of your TLD.****

A trademark is any symbol, phrase, or word that allows customers to identify a company’s goods or services. Freename is a web3 domain/TLD provider that also provides trademark registration.

A user must reach out to the trademark department to register a trademark. To get your trademark filed for review at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, a user must provide the following:

  1. Complete a Know your customer (KYC)
  2. A list of TLDs they wish to trademark
  3. Proof of payment

Once these conditions are met, it takes one week for the trademark to be reviewed and logo/TLDs to be provided with six months of worldwide protection.

Is Minting the same as Buying?

Purchasing a TLD (or domain) on Freename and minting it on the blockchain are two distinct steps. When you purchase a TLD (or domain), the transaction is recorded in Freename’s database and not on the blockchain. Minting a TLD (or domain) on the blockchain requires a second step: log into the user’s personal area, select the TLD (or domain) and press “mint TLD” (or domain): done! Don’t worry, once you have purchased a Freename domain, no one can take it away from you!

No. Buying and Minting a TLD/domain are two different things.**

Buying **is the process of recording a transaction on Freename’s database and not on the blockchain.

Minting is the process of pushing a user’s domain from data onto the public ledger of a blockchain and into a user’s wallet. Giving the user full control over the TLD/domain.

It is very easy to mint a domain/TLD once you purchase it. Simply:

  • Log into your personal area
  • Select the TLD (or domain)
  • Press “mint TLD” (or domain)

What is Domain Minting?

Minting is the process of publishing a Freename domain (or TLD) on the blockchain via your wallet to gain full custody of the domain. This means that the only person that has control over the domain (or TLD) is the person who controls (has access to) the wallet.

Minting is the process of pushing a user’s domain from data onto the public ledger of a blockchain and into a user’s wallet. Giving the user full ownership over the domain.

Minting on is as simple as the following steps:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Enter the TLD/domain you want to buy in the search bar
  3. Add the TLD/domain to your cart
  4. Go to checkout
  5. Create a account
  6. Purchase the TLD/domain with cryptocurrency or a credit card
  7. Go to “portfolio and incomes.”
  8. Click on mint TLD/domain

Which domains are Protected?

Protected domains and TLDs are domains and TLDs that we’ve detected are associated with a brand, organization, or notable person. We believe it is important to increase adoption for the next generation of the internet by helping to onboard brands into the Web3 era. If you are interested in applying for a Protected domain, please contact us.

TLDs/Domains associated with a notable person, brand or organization are considered Protected Domains. Protected domains help onboard brands in Web 3 increasing adoption. Protected domains also protect users from others impersonating/stealing their domains.

Reach out to to apply for a protected domain.

Why use Freename?

Freename domains are unique by their very nature: only with Freename you can register domains with unique TLDs for your digital identity while passively earning money! is not only the leading TLD and Domains platform in Web 3, but also lets users generate passive income!

Owning a Freename Web 3 TLD entitles users to receive passive income whenever a domain is bought on their TLD. Users can register and mint TLD/domains of their choice if available.

What is a Domain?

A domain name is a string of letters and/or numbers that points to the IP address of the corresponding website. Generally, it is easier to remember a name than a long string of numbers.

A domain name is an address that people type into a browser bar to find a website. It consists of a Top-Level Domain (TLD), everything that comes after the dot, and the Second-Level Domain (SLD), everything that comes before the dot.

For example, “” is the domain name, “Freename” is the SLD and “io” is the TLD.

Which Chains are Supported?

Freename has a multi-chain approach. You can choose on which Blockchain to mint your Web3 Domains and TLDs ranging Among Polygon, Cronos, and Binance.

A user can mint a domain/TLD on the following blockchains:

  • Polygon
  • Cronos
  • Binance

Freename plans to expand its multi-chain approach by adding blockchains upon which domains can be minted.

Are there Renewal Fees?

No! Once you’ve bought a Freename Domain or TLD, it’s yours forever, no renewal fees ever!

No. There are no renewal fees on Once a user has paid a one-time payment for a domain/TLD, they own it. Forever.

This is the significant advantage of Web 3 domain/TLD over traditional alternatives.

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