How Do Web3 Meetings Work: A Complete Guide

Web meetings are quite common these days. To be precise, 11 million virtual meetings take place every single day, mainly for business purposes. 

Most businesses rely on traditional Web2 setups to hold virtual conferences and meetups. However, these platforms lack the necessary support to accommodate all the participants using different browsers. 

Moreover, there’s always a risk of data loss as traditional platforms rely on central servers to store your conversations, videos, and text. You can overcome this limitation by opting for Web3 meetings. 

Web3 meetings offer an innovative platform powered by blockchain technology. These meetings support peer-to-peer networking, which means that each participant has equal authority over the meeting. 

In this post, we will explain how Web3 meetings work, the difference between centralization and decentralization for conducting a high-profile virtual meeting, and why you should be investing in blockchain for a better future. 

Understanding Web3 Meetings

Most of you must be familiar with the decentralized web or blockchain web and why it is perceived as the next evolution of the internet. Web3 meetings is one of blockchain web’s crucial applications that doesn’t compromise on delivering a secure, user-centric experience. 

The participants can collaborate in a secure environment without having to share their real identities. Moreover, there is no fear of information leaks or getting hacked, thanks to blockchain technology.

The following comparison will further explain the concept of Web3 meetings.

Traditional Online Meetings vs Web3 Meetings

The technology behind the two makes a lot of difference between traditional online meetings and Web3 meetings. 

  • Typical online meetings require two-step verification to access. In contrast, Web3 meetings provide a unique blockchain-based ID that conceals your original identity from others. 
  • Web3 meetings are more secure and transparent. That’s possible due to the decentralized network and its open-source protocols. 
  • You enjoy equal ownership just like any other member in the meeting and can control your data in any way you want. In comparison, traditional virtual meetings implement their own controls. 
  • One of the major drawbacks of traditional Web meetings is that users don’t have access to non-service-driven tools. Moreover, they can’t integrate apps that may be important for their web meeting. In comparison, Web3 meetings enable participants to leverage a wide variety of dApps and Web3 tools.
  • Web3 meetings are cost-effective because there are no intermediaries. Traditional meeting apps charge subscription fees, and other platform-related fees may be involved.

The following table shows why Web3 meetings are better than traditional web meetings:

FeaturesOnline MeetingsWeb3 Meetings
TechnologyCentralized serversBlockchain, decentralized
ID VerificationStandard two-step or three-step verification; Centralized IDBlockchain-based ID, high anonymity 
SecurityStandard encryption; risk of central point failureCryptographic encryption; smart contracts
Authority and ownershipPlatform-owned data and content.User-owned content and data
TransparencyOften lowHigh, because of open-source protocols, public ledgers
ControlControlled by the service providerControlled by the user; decentralized governance
InteroperabilityDepends on platformSeamless with other dApps and other Web3 services
AccessibilityControlled by platform; account-basedNo single point of access; Wallet-based
CostsHigh cost due to subscription and platform feesLower cost because of no intermediaries
User experienceUser-friendly interfaces, mature experienceMore technical as Web3 apps are still emerging
InnovationDepends on providerCommunity-driven; rapid
ResilienceModerate (depends on central servers)High (based on distributed networks)

Key Features of Web3 Meetings

Understanding the features of a Web3 meeting is crucial due to its extensive potential across many different fields. The core concepts, such as decentralization, blockchain technology, tokenization, and smart contracts, are worth paying attention to if you want to utilize Web3 meetings to their full potential.

Here are some key features of Web3 meetings: 


A top-secret government meeting or a high-profile online conference require decentralized environment that ensures data security and uncompromised privacy. This is where decentralization is pivotal.  

Decentralized Web3 meetings ensure that users own and control their data and that their authorities are equal. It is a censorship-resistant environment that allows participants to share information without any fear. 

Instead of central servers, decentralized communication protocols allow participants to communicate in a peer-to-peer environment. For example: 

A decentralized Identifier is a kind of identity protocol that functions without central authority. DID empowers participants to independently create and manage their digital identities for any company.  

These protocols establish a collaborative platform where participants can share information that may otherwise coincide with the censorship policies of Web2 meetings. 

Enhanced Security

The basic purpose of Web3 is to shift ownership and control from central servers or entities to a widely distributed network of nodes. The entire network thrives on blockchain technology, which ensures maximum data security. 

Blockchain networks mitigate the risk of data losses that are associated with central points of failure. For example, 

  • Server outages often result in significant data loss. 
  • Data breaches or thefts occur while central servers are dysfunctional. 

Secondly, blockchain technology democratizes the Web3 ecosystem. This means that every participant in the Web3 meeting has equal authority. 

Some noteworthy security features enabled by blockchain technology include:

  • Cryptography: Every data stored in blockchain has a unique encryption. The block in which the data is stored has a cryptographic hash that connects it to other blocks on chain. Only users with the right decryption key can access the stored information.
  • PoW and PoS: Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) are consensus mechanisms that exhibit how committed a particular user is to the network. These mechanisms play a vital role in minimizing scams and maximizing data security.
  • Zero-Knowledge Proof: This technique involves a Prover and a Verifier of a particular information. The prover claims that he has the required information while the verifier asks questions to ensure that the claimant is right. There are different types of Zero Knowledge Proofs, such as ZK-SNARKS, ZK-STARKS, and Recursive ZK-SNARKS.
  • Immutable Ledger: All transactions are kept in a public ledger, also known as the blockchain ledger. It prevents the users from deleting or manipulating information. Manipulating data in the ledger is difficult since all the subsequent blocks need to be changed.

Data security is a major concern of traditional online meetings, and there is no better way to address it than decentralization. Web3 meetings ensure that: 

  • Your identity and data will remain hidden, and 
  • Only you have the authority to share the data you own with the participants of your choice.   


Besides enhancing data security and identity protection, Web3’s purpose is to build an ecosystem where all digital apps connect and interact seamlessly to render a cohesive user experience. This interoperability is hard to achieve in Web2 applications because of compatibility issues.

Traditional meeting apps mostly require plugins or add-ons and third-party verification tools to connect with browsers or other web applications. In most cases, users have to utilize applications authorized by the web meeting platform. 

However, thanks to advanced protocols like NOTO, Web3 meetings elevate you to another level where interoperability is a must-have. 

Web3 users can integrate thousands of dApps without any third-party verification. They can utilize these apps to ensure a smooth flow of data across platforms. For example, there are more than 4,500 dApps only on the Ethereum chain, delivering robust interoperability and innovation.

Smart Contracts

Web3 meetings

As the name implies, Smart contracts are agreements stored in a blockchain network that operate automatically when predefined conditions are met. They liberate Web3 users to build and execute complicated agreements instead of involving a central authority. 

Smart Contracts are condition-based; hence, they are an excellent tool to deploy for Web3 meetings to build trust among participants. Moreover, they can be used in a number of ways to automate certain tasks, for example:

  • Defining and enforcing rules and regulations of the meeting, 
  • Maintaining discipline in the meeting
  • Task allocation or performance tracking
  • Making sure only authorized participants can access meeting documents
  • Ensuring each participant signs off on meeting minutes 

Top 5 Advantages of Web3 Meetings

Web3 meetings

With the above features, we can deduce the following benefits of Web3 meetings:

  1. Web3 meetings are more secure than traditional online meetings, thanks to the encryption methods associated with blockchain technology. 
  2. Web3 meetings ensure complete privacy as the users can leverage DID protocols to create a unique meeting identity. Moreover, their data remains private.
  3. Web3 meetings offer greater control and ownership for participants, which is not possible in traditional online meetings. Participants have the authority to share the data they own. 
  4. The integration span in a Web3 meeting is broader than that of traditional web conferences. Participants have access to a wider range of dApps for information sharing, data analysis, funds transfer, task allocation, performance tracking, decision-making, and more.
  5. Considering their interoperability and flexibility, Web3 meetings offer a massive room for innovation. New meeting formats with improved interaction and flexibility could be created using the latest Web3 apps.

Using Freename as a Web3 Meetings Host

Freename’s potential as a decentralized meetings platform offers a compelling alternative to centralized services like Zoom and Google Meet. By leveraging blockchain technology, Freename ensures secure identity verification and robust participation in online conferences. This is particularly advantageous for distributed groups or organizations that prioritize anonymity, safety, and freedom.

With Freename Domains, you can either set up your own Web3 hosting platform or participate in online Web3 conferences. A decentralized conference hosting platform will surely help distributed groups and communities that value data privacy, anonymity, and freedom.

To learn more about hosting Web3 meetings with your Freename domain, check out this tutorial.

Hosting Web3 gatherings on Freename empowers users with greater control over their data and identities, eliminating the need to rely on third-party providers. Freename has partnered with Huddle to enhance the decentralized hosting experience, allowing users to directly host meetings from their Freename account without requiring a Huddle account. Huddle guarantees secure, end-to-end encrypted meetings, ensuring all discussions are thoroughly protected.

Integrating Freename’s Web3 domain hosting into its platform presents an opportunity for users to experience the benefits of decentralized technology firsthand. With Freename and Huddle, users can trust that their online interactions are secure and private, providing peace of mind in an increasingly digital world.

Real-World Applications of Web3 Meetings

The span of Web3 meetings spread across various industries. Some of the real-world applications include: 

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): These business entities are able to maintain transparent governance through Web3 meetings. 
  • Healthcare: Web3 meetings are a crucial aspect of healthcare, enabling medical practitioners and doctors to conduct telemedicine sessions in a highly secure environment to ensure maximum patient data privacy.
  • Education: Universities and higher education institutes find Web3 meetings safe for conducting online classroom sessions, interviewing sessions, and assessments of foreign candidates. These sessions are powered by blockchain credentials for secure verification. 

Organizations that are successfully using Web3 meetings include:


Due to their decentralized nature, web3 meetings have become increasingly popular across various sectors, such as education, healthcare, DAOs, etc. These decentralized meeting platforms ensure enhanced autonomy, security, privacy, anonymity, and interoperability. 

Participants can control their data and determine who they can interact with. Moreover, all participants have complete authority over the online meeting, which traditional online meetings can’t promise. 

The underlying benefits of Web3 meetings and real-world examples showcase the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Now is the right time to benefit from Web3 meeting platforms. 

As a Web3 user, you can participate in decentralized events by simply connecting your digital wallets with the meeting platform, such as Huddle. Alternatively, you can buy a Freename domain and build your own Web3 meeting platform.

Freename offers highly secure Web3 domains powered by the Ethereum blockchain. These domains are not only safe, but cheap as well.  

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How does it work?

Accordingly to the day when you will finalise your purchase, you have the right to receive from 1 to 3 NFT Domains for FREE!

Once you have completed your order, within 48h you will automatically receive on platform, in your personal area “portfolio” the randomly assigned NFT Domain/s.

You can chose on which blockchain you want to mint on and minting fee is covered by Freename!


Once you have added your favorite items to the cart, you proceed to “checkout” and add your coupon to the “coupon box”.

Said coupon will instantly do its magic and your due total will drop!


How does it work?

Once you have completed your order, you will automatically receive on platform, in your personal area “portfolio” the randomly assigned NFT Domain value $50 or if you’re lucky a randomly assigned TLD with value $699 (between these: .immersive; .multiverse; .freelancer; .cashback; .hologram)

you can chose on which blockchain you want to mint your NFT Domain/TLD on and minting fee is covered by Freename!


Fill in the form to Apply

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Why do i Need a Wallet?

Freename domains are blockchain-based assets and would be minted and stored using a wallet. Users are required to mint and manage their domains using a Metamask or Coinbase-configured wallet. It must be a non-custodial wallet, meaning that one must own the private keys to the wallet in order to approve transactions via a signature.

To benefit from Freename Web 3 domains/TLDs, you must have a wallet. This is because Web 3 domains/TLDs are blockchain-based assets. Users can mint and manage their domains using Metamask or Coinbase-configured wallets.

Keep in mind that it must be a non-custodial wallet. You own the private keys to the wallet (in order to approve transactions via a signature).

Are the Domains Associated with ICANN?

ICANN does not manage domains. believes their TLDs/domains must allow customers to operate independently. wants to build a utility infrastructure, allowing customers to use their services for valuable and generative purposes. By leveraging blockchain technology, Freename Web 3 domains/TLDs have no centralized authority imposing rules and regulations.

What is a Wallet?

Every blockchain user requires a wallet in order to interact with the network. A wallet is essentially an account on the blockchain where transactions can be sent and received. It is also where one can store blockchain assets such as cryptocurrency or NFTs (non-fungible tokens). There is no personal information associated with a wallet and none is required to create one. A wallet consists of a public key and a private key. The public key can be safely shared with anyone who wishes to send assets to the corresponding wallet, however, the private key should not be shared and is the key to accessing the wallet in the event where access is lost or to create another instance.

A crypto wallet (cryptocurrency wallet) is software or hardware that enables users to store and use cryptocurrency. With cryptocurrencies, there isn’t any actual money to carry around in a wallet. They exist on the blockchain. Similarly to traditional bank transfers, crypto wallets enable users to send and receive cryptocurrencies, NFTs, etc.

A wallet consists of a public key and a private key. To receive assets, you share your public key associated with your wallet. You should NEVER share your private key.

How do i Claim my Earnings from Freename

ou can withdraw revenues generated passively through a cryptocurrency transfer. Connect your cryptocurrency wallet and, once your withdrawal request is confirmed, the desired amount is pulled from Freename’s reserves and conveniently delivered to you!

Claim your earnings by following these steps:

  1. Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to
  2. Request a withdrawal
  3. Receive request confirmation
  4. Receive withdrawal directly to your wallet.

Can i Transfer Domains?

Yes. The domain is stored in your cryptocurrency wallet and can be transferred by you after you have minted it. Access your portfolio, select the TLD or Domain you wish to transfer and type the recipient’s address. Afterwards, you must paste the OTP code you received by mail to confirm the transaction. Keep in mind that currently, it is not possible to import the domain that has been transferred, but it will be possible soon!

Yes. Domains are transferable ONLY after a TLD/domain has been minted and stored in a user’s wallet.

To transfer the TLD (or domain), the user must:

  • Access their wallet
  • Select the item they want to transfer
  • Enter the recipient’s address.
  • Confirm the transaction by pasting the OTP received by email

In the future, will support importing domains that have been transferred.

What about Trademarks?

Registering a trademark on your Freename Web3 TLD will allow you to protect your web3 TLD and your logo worldwide juridically.

From the moment you deposit a trademark request, your web3 TLD will be protected worldwide for 6 months awaiting for the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property ( to confirm and register the availability of your TLD.****

A trademark is any symbol, phrase, or word that allows customers to identify a company’s goods or services. Freename is a web3 domain/TLD provider that also provides trademark registration.

A user must reach out to the trademark department to register a trademark. To get your trademark filed for review at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, a user must provide the following:

  1. Complete a Know your customer (KYC)
  2. A list of TLDs they wish to trademark
  3. Proof of payment

Once these conditions are met, it takes one week for the trademark to be reviewed and logo/TLDs to be provided with six months of worldwide protection.

Is Minting the same as Buying?

Purchasing a TLD (or domain) on Freename and minting it on the blockchain are two distinct steps. When you purchase a TLD (or domain), the transaction is recorded in Freename’s database and not on the blockchain. Minting a TLD (or domain) on the blockchain requires a second step: log into the user’s personal area, select the TLD (or domain) and press “mint TLD” (or domain): done! Don’t worry, once you have purchased a Freename domain, no one can take it away from you!

No. Buying and Minting a TLD/domain are two different things.**

Buying **is the process of recording a transaction on Freename’s database and not on the blockchain.

Minting is the process of pushing a user’s domain from data onto the public ledger of a blockchain and into a user’s wallet. Giving the user full control over the TLD/domain.

It is very easy to mint a domain/TLD once you purchase it. Simply:

  • Log into your personal area
  • Select the TLD (or domain)
  • Press “mint TLD” (or domain)

What is Domain Minting?

Minting is the process of publishing a Freename domain (or TLD) on the blockchain via your wallet to gain full custody of the domain. This means that the only person that has control over the domain (or TLD) is the person who controls (has access to) the wallet.

Minting is the process of pushing a user’s domain from data onto the public ledger of a blockchain and into a user’s wallet. Giving the user full ownership over the domain.

Minting on is as simple as the following steps:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Enter the TLD/domain you want to buy in the search bar
  3. Add the TLD/domain to your cart
  4. Go to checkout
  5. Create a account
  6. Purchase the TLD/domain with cryptocurrency or a credit card
  7. Go to “portfolio and incomes.”
  8. Click on mint TLD/domain

Which domains are Protected?

Protected domains and TLDs are domains and TLDs that we’ve detected are associated with a brand, organization, or notable person. We believe it is important to increase adoption for the next generation of the internet by helping to onboard brands into the Web3 era. If you are interested in applying for a Protected domain, please contact us.

TLDs/Domains associated with a notable person, brand or organization are considered Protected Domains. Protected domains help onboard brands in Web 3 increasing adoption. Protected domains also protect users from others impersonating/stealing their domains.

Reach out to to apply for a protected domain.

Why use Freename?

Freename domains are unique by their very nature: only with Freename you can register domains with unique TLDs for your digital identity while passively earning money! is not only the leading TLD and Domains platform in Web 3, but also lets users generate passive income!

Owning a Freename Web 3 TLD entitles users to receive passive income whenever a domain is bought on their TLD. Users can register and mint TLD/domains of their choice if available.

What is a Domain?

A domain name is a string of letters and/or numbers that points to the IP address of the corresponding website. Generally, it is easier to remember a name than a long string of numbers.

A domain name is an address that people type into a browser bar to find a website. It consists of a Top-Level Domain (TLD), everything that comes after the dot, and the Second-Level Domain (SLD), everything that comes before the dot.

For example, “” is the domain name, “Freename” is the SLD and “io” is the TLD.

Which Chains are Supported?

Freename has a multi-chain approach. You can choose on which Blockchain to mint your Web3 Domains and TLDs ranging Among Polygon, Cronos, and Binance.

A user can mint a domain/TLD on the following blockchains:

  • Polygon
  • Cronos
  • Binance

Freename plans to expand its multi-chain approach by adding blockchains upon which domains can be minted.

Are there Renewal Fees?

No! Once you’ve bought a Freename Domain or TLD, it’s yours forever, no renewal fees ever!

No. There are no renewal fees on Once a user has paid a one-time payment for a domain/TLD, they own it. Forever.

This is the significant advantage of Web 3 domain/TLD over traditional alternatives.

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